Two people faltered. Ye Ran carefully helped the woman on the sofa in the living room, regardless of whether she was covered in stains or not.

"Elder sister, you haven’t eaten for a long time, and your stomach can’t stand the meat. Can I cook you noodles first and wait until your stomach gets used to it?" Ye Ran took the paper cup and filled it with water, and handed it to the woman to let her rest. Seeing that the

Then a colorful figure flew in.

It’s a phoenix dance A colorful dress is sewn by thousands of pieces of paper, and it is beautiful in the moonlight. Jade evil saw couldn’t help tut tut a face of praise in the hands of a diamond jade pretend to shoot. "Come on! When you are a slave, why don’t you leave Lin

Lin Yi tried not to oppose Qin Ding’s eyes, and he also coughed on purpose.

Qin Dingfang asked, "Is Brother Li uncomfortable?" Lin Yi said, "It’s especially uncomfortable to catch cold." "No wonder Li Xiong’s voice has changed a little," Qin Dingfang said to Lin Yi after reading his eyes four and pressing the bass. "Have you considered what Li Xiong told you?" Lin Yi was shocked at this. It

The old man’s voice is very dull "swim!"

"chase!" …… The messy footsteps soon disappeared in the swimming direction. Mad dog dragon didn’t come out because his ear was against the ground, and he found someone else entering the noodle stall. This is a very crisp woman. "Hey, old man, what do you think this is?" The old man’s voice is still very

Ma Xiaofei immediately straightened up and looked up at Avenue "No! I am not reluctant! "

Ma Rufei stared at him again. "That’s like a man. Tell me yourself. What was your mistake last night?" Ma Xiaofei said, "I shouldn’t gamble!" "That’s it?" Ma Rufei cold way Ma Xiaofei said, "I shouldn’t find someone to deal with Gu Zong’s boyfriend!" "Is there anything else?" Ma Rufei sounds colder. Ma Xiaofei couldn’t

"Alas … lonely!" Violet sighed and paused for a while, then took a step towards the dragon’s shadow nest in the distance.

Of course, he didn’t go to the vice, but there was a gossip that there was a guild fighting a 55-level Lord bss. I heard that Violet was very busy. Naturally, he went to play the gold-exploring hand. Speaking of it, he also touched a team’s 5-level bss conveniently, but it didn’t look like anything.

"Well, see you later." Maple finished sneaking out of the alley.

There are all kinds of tents and totems everywhere in the Centaur camp. The average height of those tents is about 1 meter. After all, Centaur is very tall. After carefully exploring for a while, Feng finally saw two centaurs wearing heavy armor and Tong immediately showed their attributes. ———————————————————————— Centaur warrior Overview of ability

Level 1 lasts for 35 seconds and increases attack speed by 5.

Level 2 lasts 4 seconds and increases attack speed by 6. Level 3 lasts for 45 seconds and increases attack speed by 7. Level 4 lasts for 5 seconds and increases attack speed. 3 Flash Ghosts summon a ghost that can only be materialized after 3 seconds. Flash Ghosts haunt the target area for 5

Tao Jun saw Xingtianmo puzzled and explained with a smile, "It’s good that the three of us are classmates in Britain. We will come back to see her this time."

"Well ….." Xingtian foam nodded clearly. Then she gradually talked with this clean boy. I didn’t expect them to have so much in common, and there was a feeling of seeing each other for a long time. I just ordered two cups of black coffee and delivered them. Starry day foam looked at if pure

Because the double-headed holy dark dragon chose to attack just when the light and dark shield of the blood-winged dragon disappeared, it must be very powerful when it was quickly grasped. Therefore, the blood-winged dragon and I were caught off guard and stopped releasing other defense tricks to resist.

"whoosh!" When the three energies are about to impact in front of me, I will rush forward as fast as I can, and plan to carry the light magnetic storage gun alone, and the spirit wood will impact the hurricane and roar to attack the blood-saving wing dragon at its best. After all, the defensive

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